Where Are The Puppies Now?

Here are some of the puppies we have sold in the past. We'd love to add pictures of your Boondocks Boxer to this page. Send us a picture and a note to let us know качественные новостройки Подмосковья от застройщика at this site or how your new family member is doing.

Launch Slideshow - Puppies We've Sold Pictures 2015-2016

  • Finley
    Past pup of Zippo & Bacardi
  • Brage
    Hi Lisa!

    I thought I would send ya a couple of pics. Brage is wonderful and we are so glad to have him! We are excited to see him grow into his feet! What a sweet nature he has! The one pic is comical...even though I was frustrated! :) I left him unattended for just a little bit and this is what I returned to find! When he saw me standing in the doorway, he ran over to his mess and just laid in it! He truly did look and act sorry...however, not a doubt in my mind that he would do it again if he had the chance!
    Thanks again for our new boy! We are very happy!
    Sincerely, Andra
  • Oakley
    Oakley is doing well and getting ready for her debut in Rally Obedience this spring/early summer. Here's a few pics of her and my other dog, as well as a foster dog I had done for my website. She's such a pleasure to have around!
  • Lina
    Hi Lisa,

    Thought I'd share a picture of Lina (Zeke & Bacardi) on her first birthday. We love her immensely! She is smart, beautiful (all muscle) and a chewer! We go through a lot of chew toys around here, and some things that shouldn't be chewed on, like my rose bushes. Winking face

    Thanks so much,
  • Diesel
    Diesel, son of Charls and Zoe

    Hello, we wanted to send you an updated picture of our Diesel we got from you in April of 2010. He is our absolute buddy, loves everyone except the UPS and FedEx people, HaHa! We are camping in this picture and of course the entire campground has to come and pet him.
    Thanks again for the awesome Bloodlines!
    Lannis and Teresa Walters
    Laurel, MS
  • Kevin
    Hi Lisa!
    Here are a couple recent pics of our boy!! He is growing like a weed and keeps us laughing--we think he is part billy host b/c he eats EVERYTHING!! We are having s blast with him!!
    Karen,Chris, Phoebe, Elliott and of course, Kevin.
  • Huck
    Hi Lisa,
    I wanted to send you a couple of updated pictures of our boy. Huck has been an amazing addition to our family and everyone loves him. He's definitely the most calm and smartest boxer I've ever owned.
  • Past pup of Ziva & Zippo
    Hi Lisa-
    Just wanted to say hello again and share some additional pics of Sarut - the professional photos are amazing and from a beautiful park here in Dallas... she was about 14-ish weeks old at that point.
    I can't say enough about how wonderful Sarut is... she has proven to be just the right energy and an amazing companion for my male 4 year old... he was so sad (as I've told you) when we lost our older dog and Miss Sassy S has been just what he's needed when it comes to his new BFF. I think you'll see that by the other photo's attached - she's sitting on his head in one of the pics :-)
    In addition...oh my gosh is Sarut smart... she passed her puppy obedience class with flying colors -- doing things that some mature dogs wouldn't.
    We are super thrilled and again thank you for such a wonderful wonderful pup.
    Happy Holidays!
  • Past pup Myra & Zippo
    Hey Lisa,
    I hope you are doing well. My boxer Baxter has been a perfect addition to the family. I wanted to share some pictures with you. Once again, thank you for your help.

  • Maizey
    Hi Lisa,

    Just a quick photo of our 2 years old gorgeous Boxer girl Maizey. Thank you for giving her to us. She is a lot of fun.

    Best wishes,
  • Past pup of Zippl & Bacardi
    Hi Lisa, hope all is well!

    Witten is officially 4 months old and has completely changed our lives in the best way possible. He is the light of our hearts and we truly don't know what we would do without him.

    His personality is hilarious. Half the time he's entertaining himself "talking" to his toys or sprinting in circles in the backyard. The other half of the time he's the most loving dog I've ever met. He has to be touching us and has zero sense of personal space, but we're completely okay with that. He's also crazy smart. He knows sit, shake, down, stay and roll over, and he knows them well. He doesn't run barking to the door when the doorbell rings and has never been a darter. He's already great with small kids and loves other dogs. We trust him, which is something we're grateful for.

    He's 25lbs and still growing! We love him so much, thank you for everything to get us to this point, Lisa! You were a huge part of this and we couldn't be happier :).

    More updates to come!
  • Drew & Zoey

    I just wanted to give you an update and send you a few pictures. Drew is doing very well and he's getting along great with Zoey. They're always either playing or cuddling with each other. He's healthy, has a good appetite and is growing fast. Drew is a great puppy and we love him. I'll send you more pictures as he grows. Thanks for giving us such a great boxer!

    Drew past pup of Zippo and Myra, Zoey past pup of Zoe and Zeke
  • Dolly past pup of Ziva and Zippo
  • Past pup Zoe & Zeke
    Hi Lisa!
    It's been a while. Maximus is doing great! He's keeps us on our toes. He's such a sweet, lovable dog, but protective when he needs to be. Hard to believe he used to fit under our sofa!

Wow, I cannot believe Max is already 4 months old! Seems like we were picking him up from you just yesterday. How time flies.

He is doing so well and growing like super crazy. We had him weighed at the vet on Saturday and he is already 32 pounds!!! Everyone is always commenting on 2 things when they see him his beautiful coloring and the size of his paws. His paws are just huge. I always say he is going to be a big boy he has to have a good foundation to stand on! His personality is precious as well. He can be super loving, just wanting to be a lap dog and snuggle all the way to Mr. playful wanting to race and romp and play with any toy we give him. He has definitely filled most of the hole that was left when we lost our Lucy, so I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to have him in our family.
Thanks again!

We love our Boondocks Boxer family..Monty is back to his old self and Marci is not only adorable but like Monty is very clever..The severe cold has eased up a bit and we've been able to spend more time outside..I get her & Monty out 2-3 times a day for play and Monty sure loves his new playmate...She has more brindle than what shows in the picture but is very dark...I thought you might enjoy these pictures

Milo, puppy of Zeke and Lillie. Loved by the McElroy family of Dallas.


I bought a puppy from you five years ago… Cuda. He is actually already on your website (further down this page) but I wanted to send you some updated pictures of him. He was already 13 weeks old when I picked him up, the last one in his litter just waiting for me:) He is the love of my life!

Cuda - THEN (puppy of Charls and Jasmine)

Jett is a son of Zeke and Zoe

Zoey is a daughter of Zeke and Lucy
"Zoey is doing great! She is very active and badness is her second name but I can't imagine being without her :) hard to take a pic of her b/c she is moving constantly :) she loves toys and can play with it all long day."

Tripp,  son of Zeke and Lillie
"Tripp is doing Great!  He follows our son Charles who is 5 around as much as he can! he's been great addition to our family!"

Maggie, daughter of Bacardi and Zeke

Maximus, son of Zeke and Zoe

"Maizey" puppy of Zeke and Lucy
"She is growing. Love love love her. So different than our male boxers but I respect her style. She wants to be around us, does not snuggle as much as our boys used to but still shows us love:) She knows all the words i am telling her. She is probably around 50 lb, big girl. People are intimidated by her on the walk. She is beautiful. Kissing her face whenever I can:) Hope that all is well." Dori

Thought you would enjoy seeing Trip ( Bugsy/Jupiter) at one year. He's a beautiful boy, and we adore him! Pam

Bella, daughter of Bugsy and  Jupiter

Past puppy of Charls and Lucy

Hi Lisa, this is Diego from Mcallen, Tx. Just wanted to update you on our boy, Giorgio. He is the most intelligent dog i’ve ever had. He knows how to dive to the bottom of pools to fetch toys, he knows how to catch a frisbee in mid-air and then bring it back to me, and most impressive of all-I take him mountain biking with me, and he follows me on the trail the entire time. I encounter other bikers along the trail and they are always amazed at my companion. His loyalty is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. He is extremely strong and tall, and at the dog parks he is always the leader of the pack, and with his intelligence he makes for the complete perfect companion. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

I wanted to share some updated photos of our handsome man, Nordberg from Sadi and Zeke's litter in April of 2012. Nordberg is an incredible dog with the perfect combination of clown and cuddle. He remains completely unaware of his increasing size and continues to sit on laps and lay on the "top shelf" of the couch (a spot previously reserved for the cat). He is sweet, playful, very affectionate and a pleasure in every respect. We cannot thank you enough for sharing him with us.
Sincerely. Chrissy, Dwight, Taylor & Teddy
Cape Cod, MA

Lambo.  Past pup of Jupiter and Bugsy

Bogart, son of Lucy and Zeke

Hi Lisa, I hope you and your family are well. Just thought I would give you an update. Bogie is doing well and getting lots if loving. In fact, I may have admit he is spoiled. Considering out last pup wasn't allowed on the furniture or on the beds...Bogart doesn't know just how spoiled he is. Regards, Sara J

Lola, daughter of Zeke and Sadi

Nutella, daughter of Zeke and Zoe, and her friend Macaroon

Kona, daughter of Zeke and Lillie

Hilda - Past pup of Zeke & Lillie

Hi Lisa, Here are some pictures of "Princess" Hilda at six months. She's not supposed to be on the day bed, but who could throw her off when she looked so cute? In the other pictures, she's on her rock wall in the park. She loves the view from the top. I see that you have a new litter of adorable puppies. I'm tempted to get Hilda a little brother . . . . Best regards, Carolyn

Gunner - Past pup of Zeke & Lucy

Hi Lisa, I hope you received the pics of Gunner. He is the sunshine in our day. He's got so much puppy still in him to be almost 40 lbs. He's healthy, he loves to sit, he goes bye-bye in the car and takes walks. He loves his toys. He probably has more than he should. I purchased him the type that make animals noises (a cow, an ape, and a frog). His favorite is the ape. He also has a large alligator that he loves to drag around. I wanted you to know that he's doing well and growing up fast and we will continue to send pics of him as he gets bigger. We love him dearly. Thanks for Gunner. Cathy

Max, past pup of Charls and Lucy
Max has graduated from 3 puppy classes. He has started his training in agility, and Canine Good Citizen.

Stella, daughter of Zeke and Lillie. 6 months old.
Hi Lisa just a few stellar shots, Stella is growing up to be the best dog ever, she's learning to be a model citizen. We love her so much. Thought you might like to see her. Hope all is well.

Just want to you to know I'm loved and happy in. My new home! Love Stella

Liberty, daughter Charls and Lucy

Otis, son of Zeke and Zoe

Max puppy of Zeke and Sadi

Roxy, daughter of Charls and Jasmine

Just wanted to share this picture and update with you about Hogan. I graduated college last month and had my pictures taken with him. He is like my child, couldn't ask for a better dog! Thanks :)

Past puppy of Zeke and Sadi
I just have to show you this picture!! Hogan got in the dishwasher all on his own when I was cooking and fell right to sleep. Isn't that hilarious? Thanks for the great puppy! We sure do love him! Kate

Past puppy of Lucy and Charls
Here is another picture of Coach... Taken last week. He is a handsome boy. Regards Kuino

Lexi, daughter of Zoe and Charls
One month has flown by and our Lexi is such a wonderful puppy. We can't imagine life without her! She is so smart and loving and growing a ton. She weighs 29#s already. Hope you and your family are doing well. Susie and Andy

Sweetheart past pup of Tyra and Pontiak

Charlie, puppy of Pontiak and Tyra
Charlie is doing great. His training is coming along quite nicely. He sits, stays.sometimes, lays down and now will play dead on the "bang" command. He also helps around the house with chores, as you can see. I think he wants to be a sled dog when he grows up. - Mitch

Gaige, past pup of Angela and Charls

Kona, son of Zoe and Charls

Wyatt - past puppy of Bugsy and Jupiter

Kane (fawn) son on Jasmine and Charls, and Titan (black) son of Zoe and Charls.

Willy, son of Zoe and Charls

Lola. Pup of Charls and Angela

Phin and Pudu, pups of Bugsy and Jupiter

Munich, Mijah and family

Gus, puppy of Bugsy and Jupiter

Piper, past pup of Bugsy and Jupiter.

Shelby past pup of Ellie and Pontiak

Ringo, puppy of Pontiak and Ellie

Thanks for all the helpful hints. I really appreciate it. It's been eight years since I had a puppy and things have changed quite a bit since then.

I tell you people love this dog when I'm out in public. They can't get enough of him. I'm spoiled cause I get him 24/7 hehe :^) I had a guy want to buy him off me at McDonalds. People literally flock around him, I tell them about you all the time when they ask where he came from. If you start getting hits from S.C. it's probably "Ringo converts"

One day he walked up and laid down in "Miles" old bed. It's been his napping spot ever since.

Monty, Puppy of Charls and Jasmine

Stella (Pup of Charls & Lucy)

He is fantastic ! Very calm mild mannered almost like an old man in a nice way! If I take him out side in the front yard he pretty much stays with me with out a leash and follows me. He is starting to mark territory in front yard. Hope fully he won't want to do that inside. I will attach a few pic for you!

Past pup of Jasmine and Charls:
I just wanted to send you a few pictures of Roxy for your website. As you can see from the pictures, she loves the snow, she can't get enough of it! Also, myself and Shannon will be looking into getting another puppy from you guys in the next couple of years! Take care and we'll be in touch again soon! Krista

Past puppy of Charls and Lucy
This is Diego in McAllen, Texas. I am just writing to update you on Giorgio, who is now seven months old, and is extremely tall! He seems to get bigger and bigger on a weekly basis, and he never seems to stop eating. His character is great, gets along well with other dogs, and he is always the center of attention at the dog park. His best friend in the world is my female boxer Ali, they don't go anywhere without one another. I hope you enjoy the pictures, and I will send more pictures as he continues to grow into the perfect boxer.

Murphy wanted to wish you and your family Happy Thanksgiving.
Isn't she fantastic...you will never know how much she is loved. Thank you

Charls and Sweety pup "Kona"

Thought I would you send you a picture of Ayasha. My mother says that she is spoiled, but I think Ayasha would disagree. She is doing great. Meosha

Hi Lisa It's been so long since I last sent you an update! We are now back in the United States. We currently live in Olympia, WA. We moved here after leaving Germany in April. Oh how we miss Germany! But we are happy to be back in the States. Blaze is doing WONDERFUL!! I can't believe he'll be 4 years old this coming April! He's such a good boy with such a funny personality! As you can see by the pictures, he never leaves Caleb's side. The picture of him resting on Caleb in Caleb's bed was just taken this morning. He was resting on Caleb, trying to wake him up for school. One of his favorite places to sleep is in bed with Caleb. Would you believe that Blaze is 77 pounds? Yes ma'am!! :) He's so smart and such a sweet boy! I love to see his excitement when he knows Caleb or Daddy is coming home! We've had some snow here in Washington...but after having a hard winter with lots of snow last year in Germany, he looked at the snow here and wasn't impressed! He definitely doesn't like to go outside to pee in the rain...he just looks up at us as if he's saying "I'm not going out there!!" But oddly enough, he LOVES his baths!! Again, we can't say enough about our boy Blaze! We are keeping a look out on your website for future litters. If and when we decide to ever get another Boxer, we will be contacting you! :) I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Very Merry Christmas!!! Love Nicole

I just wanted to give you am update on Kya... She is about 40 pounds and only 5 months old.. And it's all muscle. She is still a big crybaby and extremely talkative.. We gotten the potty training and commands and now she has started agility with the big girls.. Here are some new pics


Kya is fantastic.. I am so in love with her.. She is absolutely fearless and completely lovable.. Faith thinks Ky is her puppy and plays with her all the time... We are having a bit of an issue with hole digging, crying in her kennel, and potty training but she already knows sit and down and the rest are just puppy things I expected. Here are some pics of Kya, Faith, and Hope.

Italia & Charls puppy

Tora & CB's puppy

Hi Lisa, We got Munich from the 1/27/10 litter. He is the sweetest dog with a great temperament! He is so loving and kind, and he enjoys giving kisses and hugs. Munich loves people, and he interacts very gently with them. He also loves playing with other dogs and strikes a good balance between defending his turf and being gentle. We just love him and are so thrilled that we found you and adopted Munich. We cannot thank you enough! Andrea and Terry

"Gracie" 3/4 European daughter of Charls and Sadi

Casey. She is doing great! She fits right into our family. She has a great personality!
She has grown since these pictures, I will send you more as she grows. Dina

"Tink" daughter of Italia and Charls.  Now lives in Canada with the McFarlane's.

Layla is doing great. The vet said that she was very healthy, she's had her second set of shots and been started on heart worm prevention. She's already a part of the family. My son has her walking on a leash and doing a sit with puppy biscuits. She curls up to sleep with the older boxer and wants to be in your lap. She'll start puppy kindergarten soon. We are doing crate training and she is going to be a breeze to housebreak. She cries at night to go out, does her business and goes right back to sleep. She's had a couple of potty accidents in the house and that's it. She rides in the car to take my son to and from school every day. She plays hard and then falls over asleep. We are really enjoying her.

Well here's a recent picture of Maverick. It was taken on 1/31/10. We entered him into a Bully Baby Model Search. They were looking for all types of bully breeds. One to represent each of the nine bully breeds that entered. Maverick won out of all the boxers! We are pretty excited. We should be getting a package in the mail this week with all the details to his modeling contract. I believe it is only for a year but we can't wait! He also is about to finish his puppy training class on Sunday and we are putting him in the next level training class come April. He is very smart and doing so well in his class! Thank you again for an amazing dog! We love him so much!!

Puppy of CB and Torra

Shea lives in Connecticut
Hi Lisa,

Shea is now almost a year and a half old. She is doing so well. She is so playful all the time even at midnite haha. When she does get tired tho she is the move lovable dog around, she gives so many kisses and then wants to cuddle and sleep on u. I am sending you some pics of her so you can see how she looks and put them on your website if you would like. Thanks again!!

Hi Lisa- I have been meaning to email you! "Moe" (son of CB & Pippin) is doing very well here. He has completely become an member of the family and like a typical boxer, is practically inseparable from us! His last vet visit for his vaccines was last Wednesday and he was over 15 pounds so he is growing well. He is doing very well with housebreaking and we are going to start more formal training soon- he seems very smart so it should be easy! He is very playful and absolutely loves playing with our son who is 18 months old. They are fast becoming best friends! Attached are some pictures (as you can see he has taken over the furniture :) Thanks and all is well!

Full European daughter of Charls and Italia

Just wanted to send you some updated pictures of Bailey.. She is such a great dog.. Her personality is off the charts. She is full of energy and is always in the mood to mess around.. I could not be more grateful than to have a companion like Bailey.

Hope all is well.

Lisa – very nice to hear from you. Our little puppy, Vanilla “Bean” is doing great and getting along famously with our other boxer – they are the best of friends. Attached is a picture from this morning.

Hi Lisa,
Jet, son of Rocket and Uno, is doing great! He is 5 months old now and is so big already! He loves to run, throw his squeaky toys around, and chase birds out of his yard. But most of all he loves people! He still hasn't met a stranger. Thank you so much for such a great dog!
Joe & Leah

Merry Christmas from Murphy...she continues to be the absolute light of our life. She sill likes to be held when she takes naps, and she has never slept at night on the floor - she sleeps with Robin when I am working and then she is mine when I am here. Once again thank you for her...hope you and your family and all the puppies have the best Christmas and New Years ever.


This is Jennifer from MS. I bought one of the black puppies from Tyra's litter that was born back in April. I was just wanting to let you know that he is doing great and wanted to send you some new pictures of him.

Hi Lisa,
We were taking our holiday card pictures yesterday thought you might like to see the boys. They are great!! Enzo is soooooo good and Harvey well......... he's a fresh ham!!! LOL Enjoy!!

Dear Lisa, Attached are a few photos taken today of Dixie (daughter of Charls & Sweety). For those interested in the breed, you have given my family a loving and loyal pet that has become a special part of our family. Thanks again,
The Gioielli Family, Stamford Connecticut

Hi Lisa! I just wanted to send you a picture of Beckham. He just turned one and we had a birthday party for him! He is so sweet and BEAUTIFUL! We get so many compliments on him, and we tell everyone where we got him. J

We just wanted to give you an update. We made it home yesterday at about 3:15 in the afternoon. The kids love her.. By the way we named her Roxy! Any way she loves our huge backyard as you can see in the pictures. She is a great addition to our family and we just wanted to thank you.
Shanna, Jared, Trevyn and Nadalyn

Puppy of Tyra and Charls"

"I just wanted to let you know that Caesar has made his self right at home and is doing great.
He has been inside since day one and rides everywhere I go.
Haven't had any accidents inside yet! Here are a few pictures of him.
Thanks sooo Much! The Kids LOVE him :)!!! "

I just thought I’d drop you a note to let you know Presley is doing great! She is an amazing dog—so good! She weighs 17lbs already. We’re very happy and can’t thank you enough. Best wishes for a Happy Holiday!

Paisley lives with Michelle and Doug in Texas.

"I just wanted to write and update you on the little she-devil which I call her lovingly. She is a stinker and knows it. She has the most awesome personality and just tries to get away with things. She is becoming more of a lovable pup these days instead of always biting us when we settle down to pet her after playing. She just wants to keep playing.

When I took her in for her last round of shots at 5 months old she weighed 30 lbs. The vet even made a comment about how much she weighed already but she looks really good. He asked us again where we got her from because he just made several comments about how pretty her coat was and her stance and just thought she was really a good looking pup."

Sarge lives in South Texas with the Sanders' family.

"He has grown into the most handsome puppy and everyone that first meets him says he looks like a tiger. He is a sweet little guy that the entire family can't imagine not having. He has taken about 10 pounds off of our older boxer as he loves to play and is relentless when he's awake. He loves to cuddle, whether it's with one of the kids or Ali, the big boxer. Anyway, here are some updated pics. We took him to the vet yesterday for his last puppy shots and he already weighs 27 pounds and has become very muscular. Thanks for breeding such a great addition to our family!" - Kim

Lana went to live in
San Antonio, TX

"Lana is doing great! She is the best puppy in the world! She is growing so fast and has the best temperament I've ever seen."

Titan went to live with the Connollys in Canada. As you can see he has a great home!

"Titan went to his first show class already. we go every tuesday. he is so good. ... Titan is Fabulous. He is getting so big.... Do you have kids there? Just wondering cause he really LOVES the kids.. He is such a good boy. (Besides hogging the whole bed!) lol "

Lady went to Tennessee to live with the Goss family.
" I have been very busy at work preparing things for this deployment back to Iraq. When I got your messaging I had already flown out for Iraq. Therefore I was not able to get a picture of us together but I did have pictures of my boxer. I will be sending more here in the near future as soon as I get the time. Her name is now Lady and she is 5months now and is just adorable. It really hurt me to have to leave her but she is with my parents and my brother who spoils her more than I do. Thanks again for such a great dog and I will be looking for another one when I get back from this deployment since I will be getting out of the Army when I return. I hope you enjoy and I will keep you updated with pictures as she continues to grow."

Blaze & Caleb. Blaze and his family live in Germany.

Buster (left) went to live in Waco, TX. Sweety (right) lives with our family at Boondocks.

Murphy lives in South Texas with Julie and Robin.


Lana is admiring herself.

Cooper lives in Houston Texas.

Lucy went to California

Max went to Massachusetts.

Doc lives in Texas.

Kadi holding Doc.

Maverick went to Tennessee.

Enzo went to Massachusetts.

Rambo lives in Texas.

Belle went to Pennsylvania

Ace lives in Oklahoma.

Doc and Max.